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Regular price €5,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €5,00 EUR
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Our XL line includes only large, light green, selected, hand-cleaned, compact and fragrant flowers.

The flower of AMNESIA HAZE XL is compact with buds of above average size. With an intense aroma, it has a citrus, sweet, fruity and peppery aroma.

It is cultivated with love, passion and attention directly by the owners of the company with the help of other internationally renowned growers.

The plantations are located in our hometown Marcianise (ce), on the same land that our grandparents have grown textile hemp for years.

Cultivated with fertilizers and soil improvers of organic, biological and organomineral origin.

Selected after years from our CBD line seeds, it is a modern mixed hybrid strain of the new era.


It is intended for collecting, technical, horticultural use and for all uses permitted by law. It is not food, medicine, combustion or pharmaceutical. Do not ingest, do not inhale. Keep out of reach of children. THC content below legal limits. We decline all responsibility in the event of use other than that permitted by current regulations.

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